(from the QuickBooks Knowledge Base)

Version: Windows -- QuickBooks 2001

Q: Why doesn’t the voucher on a bill payment check show all the bills paid with a bill credit?

A: Bills that are completely paid with bill credits will not show on the voucher.

To resolve this issue:

Locate the Bill Credit you used to pay the Bill.
Press CTRL+H to open the Transaction History window.
Print the Transaction History. This will list the bills that were paid with your credit.

Carpe Datum, located in Westchester County, New York, is a QuickBooks accounting software training and accounting support services company.

Carpe Datum was founded in 1997 by a Certified QuickBooks Professional Advisor, software trainer, and corporate controller. Carpe Datum serves small businesses and entrepreneurs in both the manufacturing and service arenas. Industries served include restaurant and food service, construction/contractors, manufacturing, retail, graphics/printing/pre-press, and publishing.


Contact Us:

Carpe Datum
email info@carpedatum

Web site: Calico Systems Inc.